Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Making S'Mores

Here's how you'll find me most of the time...I am tired!!!
We are anxious for baby #3 to come!!
That night Kate joined me.

Can you tell he thought it was fun and delicious?

Jonathan enjoyed the treat...

Not a great picture of Katelyn, but she thought the graham crackers were great!

Feeling rather large but enjoying the treat!

One night we decided to go to the park and grill. However when we got to the park all the grills were being used AND we forgot the lighter fluid and matches. It was getting late so we went home and grilled on our own little grill. For a little treat we decided to make S'Mores on the grill. YUMMY!

1 comment:

Collette and Kevin said...

yummy! you seriously look so great! we need to connect one of these days. i keep trying to remember about 6pm my time so it's free for you!!!