We arrived safely home. We were glad to see Chaun and he was even more happy to see us. Jonathan was amazing both coming and going. He was a happy traveler. I was proud of him!
We got to visit a lot of our special friends in Waterloo. We miss everyone so much. Sadly I didn't get pictures of everyone we saw. Sorry Nikkels and Vandersee girls! Next time we will do better. I have a picture of Cooper that is too cute not to put on. Sadly I didn't get Jonathan and Cooper together. Here are a few of the people we saw.
Mom took Jonathan and I shopping one day. We had a great time. Well, Jonathan endured pretty happily but it was probably not his favorite day. Do you like his new hat? We ate at Olive Garden, yummy! Thanks for all the treats mom!
More fun at Grandpa's and Grandma's. Snuggling with Grandma, horse rides with Grandpa, playing outside at the sand table. He took a huge bite of sand. Let's just say he didn't think it tasted good. It was very funny!