Friday, April 23, 2010

Trip to Iowa: Part Three

Thanks for a great trip Grandpa and Grandma! We had a lot of fun!!

She wasn't feeling too good at the end of our trip. She just wanted to snuggle with Grandpa. Grandpa didn't mind!

Katelyn was grandpas girl!

Working in the "gard", as Jonathan called it.

Getting spoiled by grandpa: donuts, M & Ms, going out for pancakes. Jonathan is loving it if you can't tell. He only ate the frosting and sprinkles off the top of the donut.

Making fruit kabobs with Grandma

Swinging at the park!

Chaun had to go home and work (sad bananas) but the kids and I headed to my mom and dad's. We had a great time relaxing in Meriden. These are some of the fun things we did while we there.

1 comment:

Nori said...

I like the pic of Jonny in the garden. It made me think of when he helped mom in ours.