Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dressing Up

Katelyn, the fierce lion, and her sweet friend Adelyn, the pretty unicorn.

My tough football players.
Chaun did not come with us on our adventure but he did join the fun before we went. The next day Jonathan wanted him to dress up again! Jonny would wear his football jersey every day if I let him.

The kids and I got invited to go to a neighborhood party with a friend and then trick or treating. I really like candy and my friend so we went (even though Chaun and I haven't decided what we think of celebrating Halloween). I have to say Jonathan was super funny running up to the houses and saying trick or treat (and thank you of course). He barreled up the driveways looking exactly like a linebacker.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh,that story was too cute!!! Love the pic.s by the way!! They are a Very cute lion football player!!