Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fall Festival at Southern

This face sums up the night...

This was so cute.
Jonathan could hardly stand up holding that blue thing. It weighed so much it pulled him over, but he loved being a big boy and trying.

She also rode the merry-go-round. She held on tight all by herself (but still no smiles).

Katelyn went down the slide with Chaun too.
I just couldn't get a smile out of her (I think she was a little sleepy).

Jonathan and his friend Jack ready to ride the airplanes.

This was Ellie's first big outing. She did great!! She slept through it all.

This was his favorite but he needed Chaun to ride with him.

Every fall Southern kicks off the school year with a Fall Festival. I think it gets better every year! There was lots of free food, treats, and rides. Jonathan was so excited he didn't eat a thing.


Nadya said...

Oh how I wish we lived closer...

Becky said...

Me too Nadya! Me too! I miss you (and your family). =)