Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall Fun with Uncles, Aunts, and Cousins

Uncle Matt bought everyone a treat! YUMMY!! Thanks for visiting everyone! We had a GREAT time!!!

Petting the goats at the zoo. It was a perfect day out for the zoo!

Watching a train go by with Uncle Matt.

Uncle Eric and the boys (they still have the football but they switched jerseys).

Look at these two cuties! Big smiles.

Sarah brought Jonny and "new" bike. He loved it!

This weekend Uncle Matt was in town to plan a conference and came to visit. Aunt Sarah, Uncle Eric, Josiah and Jack also came for a visit. We had a lot of fun together. The boys played a lot of football, we went on a couple of walks, went to the zoo and enjoyed being together. Jonathan and Josiah had a great time playing tackle football and had to wear their football jerseys while they played. It was too cute. (Do you see Jack in the background, he's wearing his jersey? He is patiently waiting to join the fun.) PS All of these pictures are Aunt Sarah's. Hopefully I didn't steal too many!


Collette and Kevin said...

looks like you guys had fun. i love that the bum of my car is in one of your pics!! now you'll remember us forever!! :-)

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun this weekend!! The kinds are getting so big!!;)

Unknown said...

Jonny looks cutER in the bears jersey! ;)

Dave said...

The boys are getting big! Nice to see the Bears, Packers, and the Vikings represented in the photos!